HyperSpectral Secures Cooperative Agreement with DARPA to Safeguard Domestic Supply Chain


HyperSpectral Secures Cooperative Agreement with DARPAto Safeguard Domestic Supply Chain

Company will adapt its spectral intelligencetechnology to ensure DOD’s supply chain resiliency

ALEXANDRIA, VA (July 3, 2024) – HyperSpectral, the world’s first AI-powered spectral intelligencecompany with hardware-agnostic solutions for particle detection, announced a cooperativeagreement today with the Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA). Theagreement outlines HyperSpectral’s work to develop defense applications usingits spectral intelligence technology to ensure that critical minerals meet theDepartment of Defense’s (DOD) enhanced domestic sourcing requirements.

“Our entire team is excited to begin workingwith DARPA to help create a secure domestic supply chain for the criticalminerals that are essential to our national defense,” said Matt Theurer,co-founder and CEO of HyperSpectral. “We are confident in our technology’sapplications for the defense industry, and we look forward to a productivepartnership with DARPA that demonstrates additional use cases of spectralintelligence to help keep our country safe.”

DARPA, a government agency tasked withcreating breakthrough national security technologies for almost 70 years, andthe DOD are increasingly looking to source all key materials for defenseprojects and technology domestically – a challenge in today’s global economy. Spectralintelligence can correctly identify the spectral signature of a domesticallyproduced mineral to ensure that the DOD’s supply is safe from outsideinterference and that materials are readily available when global or nationalchallenges arise.

HyperSpectral’s spectral intelligence technologyutilizes spectroscopy to measure the unique spectral fingerprint of differentparticles and combines it with AI models trained on HyperSpectral’s large,custom dataset to quickly and non-intrusively test for specific traits. Inaddition to defense applications, HyperSpectral is focused on revolutionizinghow the agricultural and medical industries detect pathogens such as E. coli,salmonella, listeria and staph aureus.

About HyperSpectral

Based in Alexandria, VA, HyperSpectral seeksto combine spectroscopy, AI and machine learning to illuminate invisiblethreats. HyperSpectral is actively working to provide the defense industry,agricultural and medical technology sectors with real-time intelligence onproduct safety and protect people from invisible threats. For more information,visit https://www.hyperspectral.ai/.


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